Q: We’ve been considering cremation. We thought it would be good stewardship of our finances (in that it would be much less expensive than a burial) and that our remains would be in a place with other Christian’s. Now I have serious misgivings . . . can’t find anywhere in the Scriptures about bodies being burned other than two examples—and both were wicked men. I know that there were Christian martyrs burned at the stake, etc., and other situations, but I am very disturbed now at the thought of being cremated. I am getting a lot of “flak” from family members who say that God is able to raise my ashes just as easily as my bones/dust from a grave. I will be very grateful if you would comment on this. —Grace
A. I’m glad that you are being sensitive to the feelings of your loved ones regarding cremation. A decision to have one’s body cremated should not be made lightly. Cremation isn’t wrong, but it hasn’t until recently been widely accepted in Christian culture.
Although Christians have never universally condemned cremation, burial has long been their accepted practice—as it has been for Jews. The Jews neither burned nor embalmed the bodies of their dead. In their practice, bodies were washed (Acts 9:37), anointed with aromatic spices (2 Chronicles 16:14; Mark 16:1), wrapped (John 11:44; Mark 15:26), and entombed within a period of 24 hours (Deuteronomy 21:23; Genesis 23:4; John 11:17,39; Matthew 27:57-60).
Perhaps the main reason cremation was not customary among Jews and Christians was its connection to pagan ritual. Further, the belief in resurrection held by Christians and orthodox Jews may have led to some superstitious dread of destroying the body. (Obviously, resurrection wouldn’t depend upon the condition of the body after death.) It appears, however, that cremating a body was not viewed as a denial of belief in a bodily resurrection. Bodies were cremated during war or plague due to the danger of disease and contamination. The men of Jabesh Gilead burned the bodies of Saul and his sons, and then buried the bones (1 Samuel 31:12), possibly because they had begun to decompose after having been hung on a city wall by the Philistines. This example alone provides a clear indication that cremation is not an issue of ultimate spiritual importance. (Jonathan, whose body was burned along with Saul’s other sons, was one of the most remarkable and morally upright Old Testament figures.)
The reason that the treatment of the human body after death is such a sensitive issue for both Christians and Jews hinges upon the significance of human life. Human beings are a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:4-5) but created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Today we possess a body that is both a corruptible “shell” (1 Corinthians 15:42-49) and the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19) which serves as the medium for the expression of our personal identity in this life. We are destined to live forever in real resurrection bodies that carry over our identities from the ones we leave at death (1 Corinthians 15:50-55).
Of course, the kind of expensive funerals customary today don’t have a biblical basis either. Inexpensive burials can be arranged in many places today, and might be a good alternative to cremation. On the other hand, if friends and family are in agreement, there is no strong biblical basis for ruling out cremation. —Dan VanderLugt
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mike wittmer on January 28, 2012 at 12:47 pm
I would add that while cremation is as acceptable as traditional burial, it is best to keep the ashes in one place rather than scattering them across a body of water or land. Scattering the ashes across nature depicts a pantheistic view that we are one with nature, while keeping the ashes intact–and perhaps buried–in one place signifies our unique importance as image bearers of God.
daisymarygoldr on January 31, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Personally, nothing can be done if my body gets burnt and the ashes are scattered in a freak accident on air or on land. But I would not plan for my body to be set on flames that is fearfully reminiscent of the fires of hell. Burial is a more peaceful method to mark the last lap of my earthly journey. Besides, it will also comfort my loved ones to see my physical body being laid to rest until the day of Christ’s return.
The body that is buried symbolizes a “seed” from which is raised a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:35-38). Also, those of us who die in the Lord rest from our labors and are considered to have “fallen asleep”. Hence our bodies are placed to rest in a sleeping posture— as a Christian testimony to the hope of being raised up to live forever.