Molly DeLuca was playing in her backyard with the German shepherd her family had recently adopted. Suddenly, the canine leaped in front of her and began jumping up and down. He was protecting Molly from a rattlesnake that had slithered onto the scene. Later, the dog was rushed to the veterinarian where the family learned that he’d been bitten three times by the reptile. Amazingly, he made a complete recovery.
When Eve encountered Satan disguised as a snake in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1), her body wasn’t poisoned by venom, but her mind was infected by Satan’s lies. She became convinced that satisfaction awaited her if she ignored what God said and ate the forbidden fruit.
Eve took a bite and Adam followed her example (Genesis 3:6). Later, when God confronted their sin, He spoke prophetically. To the snake, He said, “I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15). Thousands of years later, this prophecy came true when Jesus was crucified. He suffered temporarily, but His resurrection permanently broke “the power of the devil, who had the power of death” (Hebrews 2:14).
Unfortunately, Satan still has some power. Like a snake in the grass, he strikes by tempting us. If he’s successful, he swaggers up in front of God and accuses us of our sin. Jesus, however, intervenes and stands up for His followers (1 John 2:1-2). He comes to our rescue, declaring that His blood has already paid for our sin.
Satan’s accusations are dispelled by God and His power. We’re safe forever in Him—our Protector who is alive and well!
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 1 Samuel 24:1-22
Read Romans 16:20. Think about who gives believers victory over the one who tempts and troubles us.
Consider what happens in the spiritual world as a result of sin in the physical world. How does this affect your view of temptation and sin?
jjw2855 on March 31, 2017 at 4:35 am
Thank God for our advocate, Lord Jesus Christ, who pleads our case before our Heavenly Father every time we slip and fall to any temptation that our enemy throws our way.
I have heard people say, “to err is human and to forgive is divine.” It is easy to slip into temptations. However, we believers in Christ , have the Holy Spirit of God to guide us and warn us, and so we need to heed to the still small voice of God and endeavour not to fall into the temptations that come before us.
“…And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” John 8: 11.
As the hymn writer says,
“Keep us, Lord, oh, keep us cleaving
To Thyself and still believing,
Till the hour of Thy receiving
Promised joys in heaven.
Then we shall be where we would be;
Then we shall be what we should be;
Things which are not now, nor could be,
Then shall be our own.
Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him!
Who can tell how much we owe Him?
Gladly let us render to Him
All we are and have.
By Thomas Kelly
Amy Boucher Pye on March 31, 2017 at 5:32 am
“When Eve encountered Satan disguised as a snake in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1), her body wasn’t poisoned by venom, but her mind was infected by Satan’s lies.” What a great connection – I hadn’t thought of it like that before.
Gary Shultz on March 31, 2017 at 6:12 am
Hi Jennifer: If I may, I would like to steal a little room and thank Amy for stopping by. I saw her last post, she commented to each reply. That is so very “cool”, Jennifer is also good at thrilling us with personal attention when she has time. Thank you ladies…..To the subject, when I think of these old lines of spiritual tracks, I must agree with Solomon, there is nothing under the sun. Oh, yes technology has amazed us with great advancements and gadgets galore, but human behavior clicks the same. Then is found that “victory” in Jesus, the one that was pleased to give us the Spirit to move us into a new relationship, as just stated in ODB eternity started at salvation. Yes, we still be in the flesh, and yes we fail, suspending the relationship until we confess, and step back within God’s presence. The longer we are in this relationship the more we understand we don’t just dirty ourselves in sin, we grieve and disappoint God. We live by not ducking from punishment, but missing our God. Thanks Jennifer, and Amy
Gary Shultz on March 31, 2017 at 6:29 am
Yes, GG it was very difficult posting this morning. I had to keep punching away to get in and post and even get to ODJ. I just wanted to give you the report. it is not just your attempts. It was with much repetition to get on the board today. Hey, we’re thinking of you.
Tom Felten on March 31, 2017 at 10:00 am
“Satan’s accusations are dispelled by God and His power.” Love this sentence, Jen! It reminds that “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). May we lift our eyes to Jesus today and truly grasp His greatness and how He views us!
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:15 am
Yes Tom, I love that sentence also, “Satan’s accusations are dispelled by God and His power.” This is so true, and I am usually able to see that. I can remember times when I did things because I was enticed, and then by my own evil desires, it led to sin. That was before I fully gave God all of me instead of the tiny part of me I had always tried to keep. When I let go of that and surrendered my total life to God, I could see the little temptations for what they were, and Praise God, I am no longer that person I used to be, Praise God for setting me free, and allowing me to see the truth that has set me free.
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:03 am
Good to see you again so soon Amy, I love your devotions, after seeing your name, I immediately thought I was in ODB, and thought, wow, your here with us again, I love it, but then I realized I was in ODJ which I also love. Your messages are so timely, because our Father in heaven makes them that way. This could not have come at a better time. Recently I had been thinking about something that happened when my nephews were growing up, and the influence we had on them which was not exactly the best influence under the circumstances, but without going into all the details, I was thinking it was our fault that they were not living the Christian life any longer, and kept wondering about it. I started believing I was responsible for their behavior because we were always their favorite Aunt & Uncle, in fact, all the nieces and nephews loved us and always wanted to be around us. I don’t think it was so much that we did anything wrong, it was more probable that we were always honest with them and real. Then a couple of days ago, my nephew said on fb that he was no longer a Christian because of the way he was taught when he was growing up, it just didn’t make sense to him anymore. Since I had been thinking about this so much, that evil little snake(Satan) tried to tell me this was all my fault, and now he was going to hell because of the influence we had on him. Of course this was a lie, because Satan is a thief and a liar, he came to steal and destroy. After beating myself up for this for one day, I realized it was what it was and that Satan will try anything to break your fellowship with God. I knew that he prowls around like a lion, waiting for the opportunity to destroy, but I also knew that if I resist the devil, he will go elsewhere to cause trouble, but he will flee from me, and I knew if I draw nigh to God, he will draw nigh to me, and assure me of my relationship with Him. So this is a good example of this. This is such a timely devotion. I realized that the few times we spent with my nephews and nieces were nothing compared to the time he spent with his family. He had major problems, and without going into that either, he spent way more time with them, and I know the influence they had on him had way more to do with it. I would really like to elaborate on this, but the point here is that the sneaky scoundrel Satan tried to make me think it was all my fault, and I thought about it so much, I was crying and got a migraine and when I prayed about this, God showed me it was what it was, and nothing more. Satan will try anything or anyone to make you think you are no good, and you deserve to feel bad, but by the grace of God, all my sin and shame, and guilt are nailed to the cross forever.
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:08 am
Ok, I should have said thank you Jennifer, I mistakenly thought Amy wrote this because I saw her picture in the response, now I realize it was you Jennifer, but you are both similar in that your messages are so timely and you both respond to things, and are actually a big part of this forum. I have to admit, I got up before breakfast, so that’s my excuse and I am sticking with it. Oh wait, I always get up before breakfast, lol, I hate having breakfast in bed, too many crumbs. I got up before 6am today so I am not fully awake, I didn’t have my coffee yet? Ok, I will just admit I made a mistake and thank you Jennifer for this most timely devotion, it really hit me in light of the experience I just had a couple of days ago.
hsnpoor on March 31, 2017 at 4:33 pm
That photo of the dog and the snake just struck dread in my heart for the doggie. It really did! My mouth went dry and my heart started beating faster. I’m good now, but isn’t it amazing that an image could be so impactful to one’s physiology? On a spiritual level, I need help with the “Next” question. I’m not sure what it is, in particular, that goes on in the spiritual world as a result of sin in the physical world to be able to consider how that would affect my view of temptation and sin. I’m intrigued, but confused, by the question. Can someone help guide me?
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:44 pm
That’s a good question Kim, but I’m not sure I understand? I think it has to be more specific, and we aren’t supposed to judge anyone.
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:47 pm
One time when I lived in Carlsbad, my cat was chasing a snake, and I got a box and put it in the box, and took it to some unincorporated land at the end of our block because my husband refused to do anything about it. Needless to say, I’m not married to him anymore, but that’s not why.
sandy229 on March 31, 2017 at 10:49 pm
I knew it wasn’t poisoness, at least I’m pretty sure it wasn’t, I mean it didn’t try to bite me or anything.