The movie Stranger than Fiction depicts a man who begins hearing a voice inside his head. Harold becomes unglued as he notices the voice describing the everyday details of his life with extraordinary accuracy, “and with a better vocabulary.”
At first, he doesn’t understand that the stranger’s voice is that of a renowned novelist, and that he—Harold—occupies the role of main character in her latest manuscript. As he comes to know he’s part of an unfolding story, however, this knowledge transforms his otherwise dull and insignificant life.
Similarly, God intends for the story of Jesus and the overarching narrative of Scripture to transform our lives. Our perspective on life and ourselves starts to change and take on greater meaning as we understand that God invites us to participate in the grand scheme of what He’s doing.
God is the main character of the story He authors, not us. But right from the beginning, before human rebellion, it was the Creator’s plan to include us in the work He’s doing (Genesis 1:28-30).
The New Testament tells us that from the beginning of His public ministry, Jesus called His followers to join Him in His kingdom work (Matthew 4:18-22). It was Jesus’ plan—after His death and resurrection laid the foundation—for believers to carry forward the promised blessing of God’s new creation (Acts 1:6-8).
In speaking of what God promised to accomplish, Paul declared, “God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9).
The story of Jesus doesn’t replace our individual stories. It rescues, transforms, and gives them greater meaning.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Judges 13:1-25
Read John 18:36 to see how Jesus describes the kingdom He’s established on earth.
How is Jesus rescuing, transforming, and giving your life greater meaning? What does God’s kingdom life look like to you?
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 12:09 am
While individual relationship with Jesus will always be vital, we must also see ourselves as living members of Christ’s body, the church. We must move from individualism and begin again the gathering and function of local congregations and the church as a whole. We have one head, who is Christ, and one body, the church. Renew your commitment to the local body of believers. Seek to build up the church through your words, actions, and participation. Intentionally pursue unity within the body of Christ. Do not give place to divisiveness or competition. Honor others, seek to be like-minded, and recognize Jesus as the common ground for unity.
How is Jesus rescuing, transforming, and giving my life greater meaning? I can definitely say the way, Jesus is rescuing, transforming and giving my life greater meaning is by showing me when I read His Word and talk to him, I realize He has more in store for me than just hopping along. He is teaching me to stop and smell the roses(and pick up the rocks) so to speak and showing me that through all these trails, that I just need to slow down and comprehend all that He has made. Everything He created has meaning and instead of just crawling over the rocks, I need to stop and thank Him for making this journey so special and meaningful. He is also teaching me that everything is not about me and what I want, but what God wants for me and those around me and how I can be a better witness and friend to them, because true JOY, is Jesus first, others second, and myself last. He is teaching me that I really need to pray about decisions before I make them and not make them what He wants for me, but letting Him make them what He wants for me. Does that make sense?
When we submit ourselves to the work of the Spirit, we experience a miracle. We find that “wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (3:17). There is freedom to behold the unveiled glory of the Lord and to be changed more and more into the likeness of what we behold. Because the Holy Spirit gives us the freedom to see and freedom to be what God wants us to be (John 3:16-18)
don777 on March 10, 2017 at 5:57 am
Sandy, Amen, Amen Amen, Praise God for the Wisdom of Truth the Holy Spirit has shown you. You are a Blessing +>i 🙂
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm
Thank you, to God be the Glory! When God puts something on my heart, it’s always a lesson for me to learn as well as sharing it with others.
Gary Shultz on March 10, 2017 at 5:46 am
Hi Jeff: I agree with Sandy that we do need other believers, and unbelievers, for that matter, in our lives. She really can clock it out this early in the morning. But as in any revival or movement it does take place as individuals. Yes, if we are rescued and transformed, what have we become, and why have we become it? We have a greater call and on the way we are to tell others of this new offer at life. We are to encourage those who get “ditched” on their way and sometimes lean on them when we are in need. We have the gift of a Spirit Who helps, but also moves us closer to God’s kingdom itself. We are being called, while are feet are still planted on the ground to what our soul has found in Christ. And I hope at times we hear voices, the whisper of the Spirit to guide us through the life we are living, until we get to the one we have been given. Thanks Jeff
gagirllive on March 10, 2017 at 7:47 am
Jeff, you can’t possibly know what greater meaning this devotional has for me today. My husband and I were awake half the night crying and praying over more unfolding drama with our son. I finally drifted off to sleep whispering to the Lord, “I really wish this wasn’t a part of our life story.” Looking at it with fresh eyes this morning and then reading this gift from you, I’m encouraged to go forward today trusting that God is the perfect Author and Finisher of my faith and this journey that my family is on. He has a purpose for this pain in our lives. Rescuing, transforming, and giving greater meaning to life is the power of the gospel. It is our only hope. We need to cling to this, and our son desperately needs to know this. Thank you for this timely encouragement, Jeff. I know Someone Else arranged that it be delivered to me today. 🙂 Prayers for my family are appreciated, sojourners.
suny219 on March 10, 2017 at 8:42 am
Praying for your family.
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 10:36 am
My thoughts and prayers are with you GAgirl, I sense the deep need you are feeling, and I feel your pain. God sometimes gives us more than we can handle, but He promises us to be there so we can depend on Him, and not go through the storm alone. God is faithful and will always be there with us. He allows us to go through things like this so that we will be able to help and pray for others when they go through it. God hears your sincere prayers and He will will never leave you or forsake you.
conmeo on March 10, 2017 at 11:08 am
Gagirlive, We Raise your family in prayer. Almighty Father, lay your loving hands on this family, take them in your arms, give them strength to endure, comfort, wisdom to know you are with them and understand that you will never leave them. Bring your Peace on your servant Gagirlive’s family. In our powerful Savior’s name, Jesus Christ Amen
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 11:17 am
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 11:09 am
By Someone Else, I know you are referring to our Heavenly Father. God always knows what we need most when we need it most!! My prayers are always with you on this journey GAgirl.
Jeff Olson on March 10, 2017 at 12:45 pm
Gagirllive, my heart goes to you and your husband…I’m out of town at a training conference but I wanted to you to know that prayers were prayed for you and your family.
conmeo on March 10, 2017 at 7:54 am
Good Morning all, Great gifts we receive each day when we “hear voices”, listening for the Holy Spirit to speak to us the wonderful words of our Lord, taking us to people and places where we can love others as He loves us, a waterfall of blessing in our lives. As for the voice I have been hearing, the Holy Spirit is speaking to me about those brothers and sisters who struggle in hearing foreign words due to struggles with emotional, mental, psychological and other so called “brain” disorders. Often in local congregations these are difficult issues that often get overlooked, are challenging and therefore not addressed effectively, if at all. I have been rescued, transformed and been given the gift of a more meaningful life in the voice calling me to be sensitive to these children of God. One amazing inspiration has been that while quietly following the direction to this call, I have discovered elders, pastors and other “regular” folks caught in these hidden struggles. What an honor and blessing to be given the gift of being able to pray with and for these fellow saints. Join together with our intercessor, Jesus and pray for the “least of these”. Be Blessed!
sandy229 on March 10, 2017 at 10:28 am
I love the way you put that, a waterfall of blessings!! Thank you for your testimony, it will truly be an honor to join you in this prayer fest!! Amen!!
gagirllive on March 10, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Thank you, Jeff, and all my ODJ friends! Your thoughts and prayers have carried me through this very difficult day. I thank God for all of you!♡
hsnpoor on March 11, 2017 at 11:24 am
I’m late, as usual…’s Sat. Morning and so happy for you that it appears your trouble really didn’t last long, by God’s grace and mercy, unless I’m misinterpreting, which is highly likely. If your change hasn’t come, know that my prayers for Gods Will to be done in your situation continue and also that all concerned bow before Gods will and not hurt themselves and others by trying to force their own will over & in the situation. Sending love & hugs, GG!
gagirllive on March 11, 2017 at 3:06 pm
Thank you, Kim. Prayers are never too late. It’s an ongoing battle, but we know that breakthroughs can happen any moment with God. I will keep believing.
sandy229 on March 14, 2017 at 11:52 pm
My prayers are with you GAgirl!
gagirllive on March 15, 2017 at 11:34 am
Thank you so much, Sandy! ♡
sandy229 on March 11, 2017 at 11:38 am
You’re welcome GAgirl. I will continue to pray for you and your family.