With just a few lines of text, the relationship was over. Because I failed to open their messages, they notified me that my “email relationship” with their company and all its brands was “ending.” A humorous marketing ploy, the company’s response reminded me how much of our world today rests on superficial communication and tenuous commitment.
Faithful. Depending on our experiences, the word has varied connotations. We hope to experience strong, committed relationships—ones that remain through life’s cool winds, deep waters, and violent storms. Our experiences, however, don’t always live up to our expectations. Because we’ve known the betrayal of others, and we ourselves have been unfaithful, we struggle to understand the depth of God’s fidelity to us.
God proved His faithfulness to Abraham by fulfilling His promise that through him “all the families on earth [would] be blessed” (Genesis 12:3; Acts 3:25). Abraham knew, however, that his future blessings would not come without seasons of distress (Genesis 15:12-16). Even so, God’s steadfast covenant with him would produce a Light in the darkness for all people (Luke 2:32). When He declared to Abraham, “I will protect you, and your reward will be great” (Genesis 15:1), the power of His covenant pointed to the majestic beauty of the cross on which His own Son would die.
Abraham and Sarah not only received new names (Genesis 17:5,15), but answered hopes (Genesis 17:16). Most important, they learned that God is eternal and exists outside of our fickle whims. He remains constant because it’s impossible for Him to be anything less. His promises, like His love, remain faithful and true today (Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 145:13).
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Numbers 22:5-38
Read Jeremiah 31:31-34 and consider what it means to live in a covenant relationship with God.
What experiences have shaped your understanding of what it means to be faithful? How can recalling previous examples of God’s faithfulness strengthen your trust in Him?
godlove on February 22, 2017 at 4:24 am
Being human, we are inherently imperfect and, without help from the Holy Spirit, simply incapable of loving perfectly and being perfectly faithful as God our Father is. Therefore, it is also very difficult (practically impossible) for our limited human minds to grasp the full meaning of the perfect love and perfect faithfulness of God towards us. So we might at times doubt God’s presence, doubt His promises, or even doubt His love and faithfulness in the midst of the difficulties we face in life. However, like the stories from Scripture teach us, and like my own personal experiences have shown me, God is always present and He remains faithful in every situation. Identifying daily examples of God’s love and faithfulness in my life helps me to trust in Him fully. I know God is always there for me, making everything to work out for the greater good (Romans 8: 28), in the way He knows best. Thank you for this devotional today, Regina, blessings to you and to all.
Regina Franklin on February 22, 2017 at 6:59 am
Dear godlove–how true! It is God’s consistency that draws us into closer intimacy with Him.
Gary Shultz on February 22, 2017 at 5:42 am
Hi Regina: I do agree with Godlove , we are imperfect and limited, but God determined His love and faithfulness would change the human world. In many instances we are “exampled” on how to be or do something, and faithfulness is one of the greatest. To me faithfulness is a construct of belief and action over time; not just what we think but, how we will do life. God chose at times to break through history and place a marker stone to change the direction of our relationship to Him. Jesus was a huge rock of all the ages, the pinnacle of expression, and yes, faithful and true to we dinky humans. Faithful and true, no one can shake it out any different if they are to examine this great God of ours. He has chosen between these markers, for us to carry His message of love, truth, and faithfulness. It was/is a privileged; however, we seem to view it most times as a burden. May we be re-purposed to our faithfulness. Thanks Regina
Regina Franklin on February 22, 2017 at 6:58 am
Good morning, Gary–I love what you shared when you wrote, ” To me faithfulness is a construct of belief and action over time; not just what we think but, how we will do life. ” Faithfulness is how God “does life with us.” I want to keep that truth in front of me, especially when encountering circumstances that make me feel like giving up.
don777 on February 22, 2017 at 6:03 am
Praise God that He is always faithful no matter the circumstances, situations or even feelings or we think. There is only one Truth and does not change. Culture does not change Truth
Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,”[a] says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.”
James 1:17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.
+>i 🙂
Regina Franklin on February 22, 2017 at 6:55 am
Thank you for sharing these scriptures, don777. They hit home this morning! Yes, regardless of what shifts around us, God’s character and goodness do not change.
gagirllive on February 22, 2017 at 8:46 am
Amen, Regina. You got me singing: “My Redeemer is faithful and true—Everything He has said He will do—Every morning His mercies are new—My Redeemer is faithful and true.” (An oldie-but-goodie from Stephen Curtis Chapman 🙂 ) I’m so grateful that we have a covenant keeping God! No word of His has ever failed, nor will it. He is our sure Foundation, the Rock on which we stand—for time and eternity. Bless His wonderful name! Thank you for this encouragement today, Regina.
Tom Felten on February 22, 2017 at 11:20 am
Thanks for these insights, Regina. This past year I’ve seen God work in some amazing ways, but—as you wrote of Abraham—it wasn’t without some pain and challenge along the way. Praise Him for His presence with us in the journey and for His faithfulness!
samgaskill on February 22, 2017 at 2:15 pm
Encouraged by today’s devotional and the thoughtful comments that also bring enrichment. “He remains constant because it’s impossible for Him to be anything less.” Love this! Blessedly reminded that it is impossible for God to love us less, forgive us less, or bestow His lovingkindnesses any less just because I am fickle for a day. IMPOSSIBLE because God is who He says He is. Numbers 23:19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? Woohoo!! and Yay!! and Wow…..I am His forever more! Blessings to this loving forum! Mary