The sinking of the R.M.S. Titanic seems like a woeful tale of inevitability. But the truth remains that the demise of the massive ship could have been prevented had its crew listened to others. Ships in the area had tried to warn the Titanic that they were steaming into a field of ice, but the radio operator was so overwhelmed with work that he disregarded these messages and famously wired back, “Shut up, shut up. I am busy . . .” (a comical response had it not been for its catastrophic consequences).
As the two disciples walked the road to Emmaus, they should have been prepared to find Jesus alive. After all, the women had already told them that Jesus’ tomb was empty and that the angels had proclaimed Him risen from the dead (Luke 24:23). But the disciples ignored their testimony and were unable to recognize Jesus on the road.
This might seem strange to us, but there are reasons the women’s testimony was ignored. First, their story was an unlikely one—a fantastic tale of an empty tomb and a vision of angels (Luke 24:23). But also, in the first century, women were considered unreliable witnesses. Their testimony could not even be counted in a court of law!
I wonder how often I’ve missed seeing Jesus in my life because I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the testimony of others, I considered their words unreliable, or—like the radio operator of the Titanic—I was overwhelmed by the chatter around me. But being able to recognize the presence of Jesus in my life depends on hearing about the presence of Jesus in the lives of others. May we “encourage each other with [the] words” of what He has done (1 Thessalonians 4:18) and share the comfort God has shown to us (2 Corinthians 1:4).
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Exodus 3:1-22
Read Hebrews 10:24-25 and consider how you can inspire others with the story of what Jesus has done in your life.
Do you regularly hear the testimony of other believers in Jesus? Why is that important? What words about Christ will you share today?
pilong56 on February 2, 2017 at 1:45 am
Our favorite bible verse comes from Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me .I pray for my late father who may passed away besides he may
have had a long life.
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 5:09 am
“But being able to recognize the presence of Jesus in my life depends on hearing about the presence of Jesus in the lives of others.” How true, Peter! That has been my experience many times. Just when my own fire is growing dim, hearing what God has done or is doing in the life of someone else rekindles my flame and stirs up the passion in me again. It’s too bad that most of today’s church gatherings do not have a time of testimony anymore…at least not in the large assembly. (I think small groups are the norm nowadays.) The little country church that I grew up in practiced this, and I can still recall those experiences. They left an indelible impression on me as a young girl, and they certainly were instrumental in my coming to trust the Savior. I particularly recall when a man known as the “town drunk” came forward in our meeting and began to proclaim the salvation of God in his life. (And yes, he was sober. :)) His profession of faith proved true, as we all witnessed his transformed life going forward. His story validated the reality of the gospel in my young heart. What else could have changed a man like that? God’s story in our lives really does matter, and we must tell it. Someone NEEDS to hear it. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, amen? Thanks so much for this encouragement, Peter. May we all take it to heart today and be a credible witness to others of the transforming power of Christ in our lives. Joy for the journey, sojourners.
samgaskill on February 2, 2017 at 10:30 am
I too was blessed to be part of a church that openly shared all that God was doing. Many times this happened over the course of meals shared in our little church basement. As a young believer, I can tell you I listened with such attention all the table talk and found wonderful encouragement. The people who gathered in this beautiful place rarely left God out of their daily conversation. I’m so grateful for the excellent role models I was given. Many years later, even though some of them have moved on to their eternal home, the teaching they “lived” out continues to bless me. Have a blessed day georgia girl!
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 2:18 pm
I’m so glad you identify! Thanks, Mary. A very blessed day to you as well.
hsnpoor on February 2, 2017 at 2:21 pm
I remember making that same comment recently, either on this site or the ODB site. It’s so true that those testimonies were encouraging and instructive in the “ways of the Lord” dealing with his children and it’s a shame that modern churches seem to have “outgrown” this practice. I’ve been struggling for over a year now with some issues at my current church and I am very much leaning towards going back to my original home church where I got saved over 25-years ago. The Pastor will still occasionally ask if anyone has a testimony to share, during the regular worship service, as well as some other smaller gatherings, which I see as a good thing. This church; however, is not multi-ethnic/socio-economic/etc., which I see as a bad thing. The tie-breaker, though, is my home church still retains a place in their Order of Worship for a clear articulation of the Gospel Message, followed by an Altar Call/Invitation and, best of all, has no use for “Connection Cards”! I’m in!
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 2:29 pm
Nothing wrong with going back to your roots…if they’re good ones. 🙂
samgaskill on February 2, 2017 at 5:36 pm
Oh, that the Lord lead you that His will be done . . . . . . for He knows in full, all your future days and that of both these churches! God bless you!
Gary Shultz on February 2, 2017 at 5:32 am
Hi Peter: Wow, gripping words to me “Shut up, shut up. I am busy . . .” How often we say those words even if it is to ourselves? Jesus taught his disciples a huge lesson during, before, and after the feeding of the 5,000. The news of John’s beheading just arrived as the disciples just returned from their first mission trip, the crowds were so pressing that they couldn’t even eat. Jesus had them head to what they thought to be a place of rest and once again the crowds came, part of the lesson was in the response, he had compassion, and part of the lesson continued into the night. In all of our business we must still find God to be who He says He is and to have Him as the center of our lives, without doubt of His ability. When I hear testimonies from others it expands my view of how great, gracious, merciful, and patient God really is. As the disciples learned over time, the overwhelming greatness of God. Thanks Peter……GG you early bird.
hsnpoor on February 2, 2017 at 2:24 pm
Amen, Gary!
Gary Shultz on February 2, 2017 at 5:48 am
GG: I thought it was just we Pennsylvanians who really did the Ground Hog’s Day thing. Glad to see you for the celebration.
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 5:58 am
Hahaha…do you really think Punxsutawney Phil got this Georgia girl up this early? Big rodents do not inspire me like that. 🙂
hsnpoor on February 2, 2017 at 2:26 pm
Nah, she couldn’t wait to see my reply to her “tome” from yesterday…:)))
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 2:37 pm
Hahahaaaa! I ♡ U, Kim! As much as I’d like to stroke your ego, the truth is that I was up at 4 am seeing Georgia-boy off on a trip and decided to get a jump start on my devo readings. It was kinda disappointing not finding you there though. 🙂
hsnpoor on February 2, 2017 at 5:57 pm
That’s OK, I can take it…. The only time I wake up at 4 AM is for an EQ or a potty-break. Maybe that’s a bit TMI….
don777 on February 2, 2017 at 5:50 am
How funny, we might know the Bible from cover to cover and something happens in life, we freak out. We are such sheep 🙂 We were told & it is almost as we never heard what we learned. Now we have to apply it. This is where the rubber meets the road. I guess this why we have test/trials to apply it. No body can go through it but that person & Jesus. Hopefully we have Jesus in that equation. I had a friend tell me that we are on a need to know basses, we can only see one step at a time. I guess that is why they call it faith 🙂
samgaskill on February 2, 2017 at 10:22 am
“Shut up, shut up. I am busy . . .” ! How often is this lived out, although not spoken, in today’s crazy busy world. There can be a longing to share with others all that God has done and is doing in you; but few are able to both hear and listen, and none of us, all of the time. Disbelief perhaps, or a detached or distracted heart? I suspect most often it is because we have allowed no time to truly be in relationship with one another. We love to talk, but not listen. It has become a rare thing to live life intentionally, more slowly, listening for encouragement, edification, correction or wisdom from others. I have often said I cannot picture Jesus hurrying to speak, hurrying to listen, but instead being wholly present in every situation. We are told to love God and others. Are we perhaps missing a fuller love with God and one another because we do not have ears to hear? Have we foolishly chosen busyness as a way of life, unaware it robs us of deep and abiding relationship. Even if we are not shouting “Shut up”, are we saying it silently because we hear without listening? Hearing is part of listening, but listening is an active process that takes time and effort. Each new day we all encounter other’s with a need to be heard, who have a story to share or to hear, who long to see Jesus in us……. or we to see Him in them. We will hurry through that because we are focused on other “things”? Do we need to reassess our busy lives to “make time” to listen to God and others. I know I have been given free will to chose everyday what or whom will capture my attention. Will I hear? Will I make time to listen expectantly and fully? Not often enough! So . . . . . I ramble on perhaps . . . . . but truly my heart wants to capture the very same things that capture God’s heart. I don’t want to miss God’s wisdom imparted through others. I do not want to foolishly believe I have all I need apart from God and His Holy Spirit at work in others. I ask God’s help to be an intentional listener placing value in time spent “both hearing and listening”. Thanks so much for “listening” today. God bless you with an intentional day! Your sister, Mary
hsnpoor on February 2, 2017 at 2:31 pm
I can testify, Mary, that you are one of the best “listeners” I know, and we’ve never had a “verbal” conversation. But your heart truly shows up in your communications and I so appreciate that and you! Gary & GG that goes for y’all too! I love all of you!
gagirllive on February 2, 2017 at 2:41 pm
I know, right? Mary, will you be my therapist, please? 🙂
samgaskill on February 2, 2017 at 5:39 pm
We have such glorious times ahead of us, all the children of God who’ve met briefly here! All of eternity to share and love God together! Woohoo!
BearPair on February 2, 2017 at 12:49 pm
Thank you, Peter, for this excellent exhortation!