Joanne Milne experienced the world as a soundless place. Deaf for the first 39 years of her life, everything changed after she had cochlear implant surgery. The procedure enabled sound vibrations to rouse her auditory nerves. A nurse’s voice was the first noise she heard, and the experience brought her to tears. She said, “Hearing things for the first time is so, so emotional, from the ping of a light switch to running water. . . . I can already foresee how it’s going to be life-changing.”
Addressing His disciples, Jesus said, “Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand” (Matthew 13:9). He was speaking about the disciples’ ability to understand the spiritual truths He shared through parables. Jesus often took time to explain the meaning of His stories, yet His followers were “permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, [while] others [were] not” (Matthew 13:11). Others might hear the sound of His voice, but they wouldn’t truly take it in or comprehend it.
Jesus explained that this disparity was the fulfillment of an Old Testament prophecy (Matthew 13:14-15). Isaiah, who declared the prophecy, described the spiritually deaf this way: “The hearts of these people are hardened” (Matthew 13:15). A hard heart can exist in those who know of Jesus if they repeatedly disregard His identity as God’s only Son (John 3:16).
Anyone who wants to make Christ the king of his or her life will have “ears to hear” the truth in His teaching. The Holy Spirit helps with this, guiding believers “into all truth” (John 16:13). Like Jesus’ original disciples, we who know Him are blessed to be able to hear what “many prophets and righteous people longed to . . . hear” (Matthew 13:17).
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Genesis 49:1-33
Read 1 John 2:20-21 to see how the Holy Spirit enables spiritual discernment.
When you encounter something in the Bible that doesn’t seem clear, what do you do? How often do you invite the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Bible?
Gary Shultz on January 30, 2016 at 6:25 am
I don’t hear all that well, in some cases I am the opposite of Joanne, I’ve heard just about enough. And as you crafted the next question, do we take time to hear what God says in His word? If I’m doing the read through the Bible thing I don’t investigate too much. When I’m studying the word what a wonderful challenge to find the unclear and what a wonderful God to unfold gold in His word. I can only hope many followers will enjoy the gift God longs to give us as we study His word and ask good questions of it and find God’s answers. Thank you Jennifer
gagirllive on January 30, 2016 at 8:33 am
I was just telling a friend the other day how wonderful it is that we have a Teacher when we open the word of God …the Holy Spirit. I’m amazed at the illumination He gives. I know full well what a dumb sheep I am, so I know that discerning God’s word doesn’t come from me. Many years ago when my spiritual ears were opened, my reaction was just like the woman in your story, Jennifer. It’s truly life-altering to be able to hear and discern TRUTH in a world filled with lies. Thanks for encouraging us today to be thankful for this wonderful gift!
jim spillane on January 30, 2016 at 12:52 pm
Jennifer – as believers we are truly blessed, because “to those who have, will more be given.” But I’m more concerned about those who don’t have, because even the very little that they have “will be taken away.” I also know that no one comes to Jesus unless one has been drawn to Him by the Father. My question is, how many times does that calling go out to an individual? Is it one and done, is it a few times, is it many times, or is it a constant calling, even if our ears are closed? And if your eyes have been shut, and your ears no longer hear, how does that calling ever penetrate? What would cause a non-believer to answer the knock at their door?
terrykelly735 on January 30, 2016 at 1:08 pm
Thought you might like to know that facebook blocks the sharing of the image you have accompanying John 3:16. does happen with them occasionally. Nearly all of the images can be shared without difficulty, but I had another one of yours that was also blocked by facebook within the past 2 days. And it has happened several other times over the last few months.
terrykelly735 on January 30, 2016 at 1:09 pm
“THIS does ….”