When I began training my hunting dog, I kept him very close to me, issued only one command, and made sure to enforce the command, should he not understand or obey. Each time we had success, I would give him a little more freedom and then repeat the command, making sure he received a lot of affirmation and praise for his compliance. These days I can let him loose in the woodlands and be assured that all I have to do is call his name and then give a hand signal and he will do as I tell him without delay—most of the time at least! He hears my voice, he is listening all the time for it, and he wants to obey because he trusts me.
Samuel was close to God. He lived in the temple. He was gently urged to listen in the quietness of the night, when there were no distractions (1 Samuel 3:9). He was encouraged by someone who recognized the signs that God was reaching out to him, even when Samuel himself did not understand. The command to listen was repeated with patience, and there was no rebuke for not understanding who was talking to him (1 Samuel 3:10). God was preparing a man to be His mouthpiece. Later, as Samuel grew up, he could hear God’s voice easily and everyone knew he was a prophet of God. God prepared His man well for the task that lay ahead (1 Samuel 3:11).
We often worry as to whether we can hear from God or whether we’ve heard correctly. To hear God’s voice includes praying for His guidance and seeking the wisdom found in Scripture. We don’t need to sharpen our ears, but to exercise faith and trust. He’s provided all we need to follow Him in obedience. As Peter wrote, “God has given us everything we need for living a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3). May we listen for His voice today.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Acts 4:23-37
Read John 10:1-17 and consider what it means to hear God’s voice.
Do you want to hear God’s voice for a particular purpose or just in general? How can you grow closer to God and more easily recognize His voice above the world’s din?
Gary Shultz on October 12, 2015 at 7:11 am
I think you have a good comparison with a trained dog. What a pleasure to work with and no wonder they call them “man’s best friend”. No matter how flawed we are they are still happy to see us and they hold no grudges. What a lesson to us who have a Master who is perfect in His ways and we seem to have our tail down more than we should. May we learn to enjoy and listen to the voice of our Lord in a more obedient. Thanks
russell fralick on October 12, 2015 at 8:56 am
You are right, Gary. He was always pleased to see me and never held it against me when I was too hard on him or just plain grumpy! It is so easy for us to forget that our Master is flawless, and so no matter how difficult a season we may be in, His ways are perfect and He always cares for us.
The dog I described went to the great pheasant shoot in the sky last year. You can read about it if you like at http://www.russellfralick.blogspot.co.uk.
elegantstarr on October 12, 2015 at 10:10 am
Good reading. Psalm 25:5 says, Guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.
BearPair on October 12, 2015 at 8:20 pm
Marvelous analogy, Russell–not that we’re to be compared to dogs! ;O) Loose paraphrase: “The closer we draw to Him, the closer He will draw to us.” Thanks Russell!