During a convocation speech at a major Christian university in 2012, business magnate and TV celebrity Donald Trump told 10,000 students that the way to succeed in business is to “get even,” igniting an outcry from critics who said that Trump’s philosophy was inconsistent with Christian values.
“Getting even” may give you the edge in the business world, but it will definitely wreak havoc in your inner world. Instead of getting even, Paul told us to do the opposite: “Never pay back evil with more evil” (Romans 12:17), and “never take revenge” (Romans 12:19).
Revenge is a road a believer in Jesus must avoid. Why? Because it’s a right that God kept for Himself. That responsibility was never delegated to us (Romans 12:19). And it’s something that harms you more than it harms your enemy.
“Don’t get mad, get even,” may sound good, but it erodes the vitality and spirituality of those who practice it. People who seek revenge nourish their own bitterness, which can grow into a festering case of hostility, hatred, and malice that will soon consume and dehumanize the ones who possess it. The presence of love in you—loving God and loving others—is destroyed when you get even. The counter-offensive? “Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good” (Romans 12:21).
You may wonder if this kind of living is even possible. Fortunately, Jesus has revealed that it is: For while we were still His enemies, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8-11). “He is your example . . . . He did not retaliate . . . nor threaten revenge . . . . He left his case in the hands of God” (1 Peter 2:21-23).
We don’t need to get even. Instead, let’s let God take care of it.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Matthew 21:1-17
Read 2 Kings 6:20-23 to see how Elisha illustrated the principle lifted up later by Paul in Romans 12:2-21.
If revenge isn’t an option for believers in Jesus, what can you do? (1 Peter 2:21-23, 3:8-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:15). Why shouldn’t Christians get even?
Gary Shultz on August 29, 2014 at 8:19 am
How painfully true! It seems woven into every part of our lives, sports, business, entertainment, marriage, and it has crept into the church, revenge is the cash-out for anything leaning on us. Thanks
rollingwoodfarm on August 29, 2014 at 9:27 am
There is a different perspective for “getting even.” Jesus gave it to us many times: repay evil with good, turn the other cheek, love those that hate you, bless those that curse you. Getting even from the Lord’s perspective causes us to love no matter what; it doesn’t mean giiving back the same thing in equal measure.
Mike Wittmer on August 29, 2014 at 9:44 am
Jesus had a much better idea when he said that we must deny ourselves and lose our lives to find them (Matt. 16:24). This also happens to work in every area of life, as businesses succeed and people tend to get ahead when they put others first. I’ve learned that it’s foolish to get even and burn bridges behind me. I always regret it later.
gshafer11 on August 29, 2014 at 11:19 am
Thank you rolling wood farm. I really like your perspective.
daisymarygoldr on October 18, 2014 at 10:04 am
Jesus did not retaliate but left his case in the hands of God. And how did God take care of us— His enemies? He restored our relationship with Him so we can have eternal life through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ.
The righteous anger of God always seeks to save life. This is why in Rom 12:19 we are told to never take revenge. Some misguided ones use the Psalms as examples to teach about being “honest” and pray for revenge. As if God is a big brother who will beat up the bully that has harmed me. These individuals do not have the right spirit because they don’t know God’s heart is not to destroy but to save lives.
Joseph did not take revenge against his brothers. He knew that they meant evil against him but God meant it for good, to save the lives of many people (Genesis 50:20).
Getting even will not get anyone anywhere. It will simply keep you tied down to the same level of the other. The way to succeed in business is to one-up on your competitor.
And for Christians, we shouldn’t get even because then we are no different than the evildoer in spreading more evil. The only way to outdo evil is to do good. A child of God will repay evil with good because we have His Spirit which takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live.