Unexpected journeys. Little and big—life is full of them. A quick trip to the grocery store turns into a car accident, injuries, and several months of recuperation. A routine drive home from work turns into a breakdown on the highway and a lengthy wait for a tow truck. A call on the cell phone turns into the news that someone you loved has passed away. A checkup with the doctor reveals that the cancer is back with a vengeance.

We can negotiate the little unexpected journeys of life—mostly. The big, unexpected journeys, however, can turn our lives upside down. During such times, some of us have a faith that remains solid. Some of us genuinely resonate with what David wrote about in Psalm 23:4: “Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me.”

Others of us have more of a struggle. We go through times when we experience what David wrote about in Psalm 22:1, “My God, my God, why have You abandoned me? Why are You so far away when I groan for help?”

Are you going through one of those major unexpected journeys of life? Is your faith like the one found in Psalm 23? Or do you find yourself in the place David spoke from in Psalm 22? Wherever you are, don’t pretend with God. Know that He is gracious and meets you where you are.

God doesn’t want us to stay in the opening verses of Psalm 22. But David’s highs and lows recorded in the Psalms show us that during difficult, unforeseen journeys of life there are moments for both ardent faith and honest pain.

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: 2 Samuel 11:1-27