Spending much of my childhood in the cool north of the US, I always thought of palm trees as something exotic. So when we traveled down to South Carolina to visit family every few years, I felt as if I was somewhere near Hawaii, even though I knew deep waters and many miles separated the two states. Now that I live in Georgia (and near the border of South Carolina), however, the image of a palm tree has lost some of its romance.
More than a geographical marker, the palm tree of Deborah was a symbol of hope (Judges 4:5). Having fallen into sin yet again, the people were being harassed by Jabin, a nearby Canaanite king. In His faithfulness and compassion, God responded to the Israelites’ cries by raising up Deborah, a prophetess who became an advocate for the people. More than a historical account, Deborah’s story reveals some important characteristics for successful leadership:
Trustworthiness. The people’s willingness to come to her for justice speaks of her character. Not only had God entrusted Deborah with the well-being of His nation, but the people saw something in her that made them willing to follow.
Faith. Deborah knew that the glory that came from success in battle wasn’t hers to claim. As a leader, she knew that her people needed to be relying on God. Just as they didn’t need iron chariots to match the strength of Jabin (Deuteronomy 20:1; Psalm 20:7, 68:17), she wasn’t the key element to Barak’s ability to be victorious (Judges 4:8-9).
Focus. Unwavering in her task, Deborah remained focused on the call God had placed on her life. Neither the opinions of man nor the circumstances in front of her changed her stance.
How do the leaders in our lives model these qualifications? How do we reveal them to the people we lead?
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Acts 20:1-12
Read Matthew 5:14-16 to see why being a leader is inherent in being a follower of Jesus.
Do others find you trustworthy? Why or why not? Scripture speaks of the value of wisdom found in many advisors (Proverbs 11:14, 24:6).
tom felten on November 7, 2011 at 3:55 pm
Thanks, Regina. Godly leadership is vitally important in our homes, churches, schools, organizations, etc. As I consider the qualities of Trustworthiness, Faith, and Focus, it’s clear that Jesus modeled them perfectly. He proved faithful and true in everything He said and did as He led the disciples, and His focus—particularly as He neared the cross—was steadfast. Praise God that we can follow His example, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, as we strive to lead others in a godly way.
regina franklin on November 19, 2011 at 10:06 am
Dear Tom,
While I don’t always understand how the work takes place, walking in the Spirit absolutely rests on God’s efforts in us but also requires our participatoin. You’ve identified that concept well in sharing that God is the first source of leadership in our lives but that we cannot serve Him well while neglecting the human leadership element (either that of others or ourselves).