There’s something about the twenties that causes some of us to experience a dark night of the soul. Maybe it’s dealing with stuff from our past or the uncertainty of the future. Oswald Chambers, author of the bestselling devotional My Utmost for His Highest, fell into a deep darkness during his twenties.

So did I. For 3 years, I was filled with dread and depression, hidden for the most part from those around me. I pleaded with God in prayer and meditated on the truths of His Word. In time, I passed through my dark night and back into the light of life.

If you’re feeling down today or you know someone who’s dealing with a dark night of the soul, take these words to heart: Turn to Jesus, rest in Him, give it time, and a new day will dawn.

Turn to Jesus. In Matthew 11, Jesus described a “childlike” faith that we are to pursue when we’re depressed or anxious (Matthew 11:25). This is a raw trust that defies our troubled minds and restless spirits.

Rest in Him. Jesus says to us, “Come to Me . . . and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The darkness of depression can make us numb to His love and presence. So we must choose to fall into His arms and find rest there.

Give it time. Sometimes your spiritual and emotional healing will take weeks, months, even years. But as you keep trusting and resting in Him, eventually His love will light the way to true “rest for your [soul]” (Matthew 11:29).

The day will dawn. Not only is God’s burden of the soul “light” (Matthew 11:30), but He will once again fill your heart and soul with His light!

Don’t give up. In time the darkness will dispel as joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5).

NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Luke 23:1-12