For 2 months in Uganda, I was without a car and had to travel by foot or by using public transportation. I squeezed into crowded matatus (minivan taxis) and weaved through traffic on the backs of boda bodas (motorcycle taxis). Many times, when no ride was available, I walked in the pouring rain.
Moving about in that fashion was humbling, time-consuming, and frustrating. But most of all it was eye-opening as I saw and experienced my surroundings in ways that I never had before.
Parting with various belongings or comforts will shift our vantage point and enhance our empathy. And who better to illustrate that than Jesus, who left His heavenly throne to walk among us on earth (Philippians 2:6-8).
Though He didn’t have to, Jesus joined us on this side of heaven. He slept in a manger (Luke 2:6-7). He survived life in the wilderness (Mark 1:12). He felt our grasping hands as we followed Him on the streets (Luke 6:19, 8:43-48). He dealt with our arguments (Mark 8:14-21). He touched our ailing bodies with His bare hands and healed us (Mark 8:22-25). He washed our dirty feet (John 13:4-5). He prayed, cried, and pleaded for help (Hebrews 5:7). He experienced betrayal and endured physical beatings (John 18:1-11,23). He bore our shame, died for us, and saved us (Isaiah 53:3; Colossians 1:19-21; Hebrews 12:2-3).
Jesus didn’t have to leave heaven, but He did out of obedience to the Father and love for you and me. He now implores us to leave our comfort zones by caring for orphans and widows (James 1:27), and to seek justice on behalf of the oppressed (Isaiah 1:17).
Don’t close your eyes to the hurting. Instead, enter into their world so you can help them experience Jesus.
NLT 365-day reading plan passage for today: Mark 11:20-33
Second Timothy 4:5 tells us not to be “afraid of suffering for the Lord.” What is something God has asked you to do that you haven’t begun because of fear?
How will you imitate Jesus and His love for people this week? What is one specific thing you will do today for a person in need?
daisymarygoldr on September 1, 2011 at 2:20 am
Very true, Roxanne Robbins; parting with our comforts will shift our vantage point. Actually for me, it is the other way around. I grew up among people who make less than $2 a day, sleep on cold, hard floor in leaky huts, and daily walk miles just to get drinking water, food, school, work and basic medical care. And so, I don’t fear poverty and know how to live in lack.
However, while living in a culture of affluence, to step out of my comfort zone requires a constant reminder for me to tone it down—and pursue a simple lifestyle. Jesus and His followers never lived lavishly and instead lived a clearly sacrificial life. When we look after the poor and needy it keeps us from getting consumed with greed—to not amass wealth for ourselves, but be rich towards God.
auvencetri on September 1, 2011 at 3:30 am
It is 1:22 in the morning, I grew up very poor, but now I am not. I just got off work and started at 8:00 am. I am now working 60-75 hours a week.I don’t need to to work, but I prayed before I took this post retirement job. My prayer is that I could use this extra money to give. I don’t want to contribute to an organization, but give to some body. How can I find that person/persons? Sorry this is so crudely written. Lord give me strength I am tired,very tired. I love you brothers and sisters please help me fine the right situation.
Thank you Lord for this opportuniity and the strength to do it.
onevision on September 1, 2011 at 9:20 am
The right situation for giving could be right here! Roxanne Robbins the writer of this devotion has a ministry in Uganda. The address is
Many Blessings!
pteast on September 1, 2011 at 6:03 am
God will guide you to the right person or situation just wait on Him.
Remember in Him you are strong and can endure all things.
May He richly bless you for your tender heart.
sowharvest on September 1, 2011 at 2:19 pm
May God lead your heart as well as your ministry to give. If have already blessed so many people by the tone of your heart. May GOD direct your path. Thanks always be to GOD.
eppistle on September 1, 2011 at 11:05 pm
It’s not fair that God made us and then made us live in this world with so much suffering. To address this issue, God should be made to live with an oppressed people group. He should have to be faced with all the temptations to do evil like we are. He should serve those who don’t appreciate Him. He should experience what it’s like to be misunderstood, ridiculed and betrayed. He should experience excruciating pain. He should die a cruel death…Oh wait…He already did all that…never mind…(Philippians 2:5-11).
marvin williams on September 3, 2011 at 9:56 am
Roxanne, thank you for stirring the God-given emotions that we seem to let settle to the bottom of our hearts. Or, maybe sometimes we push them there. Thanks, Roxanne, for living this out and mentoring us in this area of Christian living. Lord, help me to open my eyes today, so I can see the hurting around me and enter in their world and feel their pain and suffering.