Sometimes I catch a glimpse of him as he drives by—reclined in his seat, one arm slung out of his rolled-down window. He’s the guy with the car stereo that blasts seismic sound waves through our neighborhood. His sub-woofers pulse with a booming rhythm so loud that I can hardly feel my own heartbeat. In case you think I’m simply dull and cranky, let me assure you that I love music. And sometimes, I like it really loud. It’s the jolt of the unexpected musical monster that sets me on edge; it steals my peace.
Jesus knew this world would furnish all sorts of unsettling situations. That’s why He said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace” (John 14:27). Amazingly, peace is a gift. We don’t have to work for it; we just have to welcome it. As Christians, we’re supposed to “let the peace that comes from Christ rule in [our] hearts” (Colossians 3:15).
Jesus’ gift of peace doesn’t mean that He’ll resolve every issue in our lives. Our spouse may continue to overdraw from the checking account. Our kids may not lose interest in that dreaded rock band. The boss may never ease up. But somehow, Jesus said we could have “peace of mind and heart” (John 14:27). Jesus provides inner peace when outer peace isn’t possible.
For most of us, peaceful life circumstances are impossible to obtain. And no amount of striving will create the calm we crave. Perfecting our relationships, simplifying our schedules, and organizing our homes won’t lead us to long- term serenity. Jesus said, “The peace I give you is a gift the world cannot give” (John 14:27). We can’t manufacture what only Christ can provide.
If something is disturbing your peace today, trust in Jesus’ promise: “You may have peace in Me. . . . I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
Read Ephesians 2:14-18 to learn about how Jesus “Himself has brought peace to us.” Read Revelation 21:3-4 to gain a picture of the peace that believers will experience in heaven.
How have you tried to create peace for yourself? Why do we sometimes reject Jesus’ gift of peace?
Akinolawale on February 1, 2011 at 1:49 am
This is very true. His ‘Peace’ does not mean absence of storm, tempest and tribulation, but rather the inner strength to remain calm in the midst of all of these. Never allow that situation and circumstance of life to steal your peace. Be of good cheer, for He has ovefcome the world.
claude01779 on February 2, 2011 at 11:11 am
Amen! I am truly grateful that in this troubled world, we are still able to experience the peace of God..I am very thankful for God’s promises in His Word. The preaching of God’s Word and the wonderful Christian music are very helpful in keeping that peace and inner strength I have in my heart. It drives away my fears and worries. God is good!
jstabel on February 1, 2011 at 2:26 am
The PEACE that Christ gives is general but only those who ‘welcome and allow’ it into their lifes can really benefit from it.
lindagma on February 1, 2011 at 7:00 am
Inner peace comes from trust that He knows best and is very well equipped to bring whatever we face to the right place. Not an easy thing to do but we learn with each problem we go through. It is like strengthening muscles…doesn’t happen without work and a time of unpleasantness…and it doesn’t happen with just one experience…that’s why it is called “growth.” That’s why it is important to share how God has seen us through…other people…even believers, need to see how God works and be encouraged to trust in Him.
eppistle on February 1, 2011 at 8:01 am
According to Philippians 4:6-7, we can have peace no matter what the circumstances even in the midst of annoying people or sub-woofers pulsing. If we respond with prayer and thanksgiving, nothing can steal our peace. Of course, that’s easier said than done. It’s more natural to respond in the flesh. But one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is peace (Galatians 5:22) and by being sensitive to His promptings and surrendering to His power, we can hold onto our peace. The question isn’t whether we will have difficult circumstances or not, the question is whether in the midst of those circumstance whether we will choose to live in peace or to let that peace be stolen from us.
GrowinginChrist on February 1, 2011 at 8:03 am
I am so grateful for the peace Jesus has left with us thru the Holy Spirit. I am drawing on and relying on that peace with every breath I take. The past few days have been very hard, but I thank God for continuing to work in my life thru these trials. His grace is new each day. I urge all to continue to trust in God’s promises so that his peace will surround you in all circumstances. Thank you ODJ friends who responded to me yesterday. God bless you all. It really helped me to read your comments. I pray for continued strenght and enlightenment so that I may also be a comfort and blessing to others.
sowharvest on February 1, 2011 at 6:13 pm
Lindagma & the entire ODJ family this was truly a timely devotional. I just was on the phone with father & his rantings–all because he wants us to accept & be okay with some of the things he has done. The Holy Spirit had to remind me that is not about him.. It is about what does GOD say I do. So I reconciled that I obey GOD and extend love in the midst of his drama(LOL). Then as GOD would have it I began reading this devotional and it was confirmation of GOD’s speaking to me. So no matter what I will have peace –because my confident is in the knowledge that GOD is with me =Peace. May GOD bless you.