Dr. Fazale Rana, a Christian biochemist, believes in evolution. He notes that there are undeniably at least three types of evolution taking place today: Microevolution within a species; speciation, species giving rise to closely related sister species; microbial evolution, changes in viruses and bacteria.
What Dr. Rana doesn’t see over time, however, is macroevolution—the change of one kind of animal into an entirely different kind. He writes, “The absence of transitional forms and the sudden appearances of new organisms in the fossil record fly in the face of the evolutionary framework, yet they are exactly what we would expect the fossil record to look like if a Creator orchestrated its history.”
Job had some great insights into God and His creation. In an exchange with a critical buddy named Zophar, Job said, “Ask the animals and they will teach you. . . . Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you” (Job 12:7-8).
Though Job was using these words to defend himself—stating that his demise had “come from the hand of the Lord” (Job 12:9), the idea of looking to the natural world for answers jibes with Dr. Rana’s approach. And when we “ask the [ancient] animals,” we see no sudden appearances of new organisms. When we “speak to the earth,” we find that it’s silent about any transitional fossil forms.
In Genesis, we read, “Then God said, ‘Let the earth produce every sort of animal, each producing offspring of the same kind’ ” (Genesis 1:24). The Creator made each different type of animal. They didn’t just pop on the scene later or mutate from different kinds of creatures.
Job nailed it when he said, “The life of every living thing is in [God’s] hand” (Job 12:10). He perfectly designed His creation to change and adapt to climate and environmental change—micro, not macro. Just ask the animals!
With My great strength and powerful arm I made the earth and all its people and every animal (Jeremiah 27:5).
Why is macroevolution accepted by so many people when there is no solid evidence for its existence? How does a person’s view of the origin of the natural world affect their view of God? Of other people?
cspevacek on November 4, 2010 at 4:55 am
Well said Tom. It is just so incredible to look at all living things around us and not believe in our Creator. How could any of this have been by accident? I feel sorry for those who read and can’t see. I pray daily for hearts and minds to opened to Him as I marvel at all the wonderful complex creations around me. Thank You God for all living things.
tom felten on November 4, 2010 at 8:35 am
cspevacek, your comment reminds me of Romans 1:20. The natural world, God’s “general revelation,” clearly reveals His presence in this world.
Koopsters on November 4, 2010 at 6:02 am
My wife and I were talking about the the nearest star to us and how much bigger it is then our sun, even our earth. It blows me away how great our God is to have thought of creating such a large universe, and how so many people still say there is no God and that evolution is true!
tom felten on November 4, 2010 at 8:40 am
Good thoughts, Koopsters. This video by Francis Chan “The Awe Factor Of God” states it so well: http://crazylovebook.com/videos_awe.html
Brianbenyosef on November 4, 2010 at 6:28 am
Wow, such good insights by all of you. I believe that GOD created us as humans, and to evolve as humans. If we evolved from apes then why are there still apes? Albert Einstein was an agnostic until he studied quantum physics. He then came to the conclusion that without a intelligent creator (GOD) the randomallity of the universe could not hold together, and would dissapate in a millisecond. Besides, who brought about the laws of physics? Hmm… a very simple answer GOD!!! Thank you my wonderful creator, lord and savior. All praise Jesus!!!
tom felten on November 4, 2010 at 8:45 am
Thanks for your insights, Brian. We do who have an amazing, awesome Creator. David’s words in Psalm 8:1-9 declare His glory!
lindagma on November 4, 2010 at 7:50 am
How can anyone look at a new born baby and not see God’s miraculous hand?
tom felten on November 4, 2010 at 8:47 am
Yes! I agree, Linda. Psalm 139:13-16 beautifully declares how He creates each baby.
mike wittmer on November 4, 2010 at 7:57 am
I know this sounds stupid to most people today, but I think that in 200 years people will look back at our infatuation with evolution like we look back at doctors who bled people to death. They’ll say, “Really? Everyone, including your leading scientists and presidents, everyone believed in evolution?” Has there ever been a period where the reigning scientific model was not superceded by a later and new improved model? And why do we think this time will be any different?
zero_g on November 4, 2010 at 7:17 pm
I attribute it ALL to God, the creator, even macro evolution. I don’t understand why some people feel they must defend God by attacking evolution. I have faith that no matter how much we learn from science about how awesome His creation is, we will never find anything other than God setting it all in motion. We are not capable of conceiving of anything else. It is in our genes.
daisymarygoldr on November 4, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Good topic and discussion! Agree with “He perfectly designed His creation to change and adapt to climate and environmental change”.
“Microevolution” is a tricky term. Adaptation to changes in the environment is not evolution. These processes are possible due to rearrangement or shuffling of genes which already exist along the DNA.
Emergence of drug resistance and appearance of new strains are due to swapping of genes among bacterial and viral populations Expression of newly acquired traits does not necessarily lead to new species or types of organisms.
Changes which allow species to adapt to a new environment are a testimony in itself to the sustaining power, wisdom, glory and the creative genius of an awesome creator God!
A Christian who believes in microevolution is straddling the fence between creation and evolution. Carl Zimmer said, “If you accept microevolution, you get macroevolution for free.”
So, if we believe in microevolution eventually we will also believe in macroevolution which is nothing but microevolution over time.
Just like we cannot easily pick and choose which parts of the Bible we want to accept, we cannot accept micro and reject macroevolution. As followers of Christ, we have to be really careful about deception in semi-truths and not get naively entangled in this whole web of falsehood.
God’s Word describing His works of creation is followed by faith (Heb 11:3) whereas scientific observations are based on sight. The two are self contradictory and cannot be wedded. Theistic Evolution is an oxymoron. It is like a 4-sided triangle!
We cannot use natural phenomena to explain God’s creation because He has created all things supernaturally. However, we can certainly learn about the invisible nature and attributes of God in and through His visible handiworks (Rom 1:20).