In 1977, singer Debbie Boone recorded “You Light Up My Life.” The song quickly shot to the top of the charts and became one of the biggest hits in the 1970s. While the song was originally written as a romantic love song, Boone claimed to sing it to God.
One of the most familiar lines in the song says, “It can’t be wrong when it feels so right.” That’s certainly true when it comes to our drawing close to the pure presence of our Creator. And it can sure seem right in human relationships too—but that’s not always the case. They can most definitely be wrong even though they feel right.
Take King David. I have no doubt that when he watched Bathsheba bathe and then took her into his bedroom, she lit up his life. It felt so “right” and easy to justify enjoying the charms of another man’s wife (2 Samuel 11:1-4). That’s the deceptive nature of any form of sexual immorality. But the excitement never lasts. In fact, it’s like the calm before the storm.
David’s infidelity with Bathsheba erupted into a pregnancy, murder, a cover-up, and ultimately the death of an innocent child (2 Samuel 11:5–12:18). In a sexually permissive world where we’re bombarded with the message “if it feels good, do it,” it’s important to remind ourselves and each other of the bigger picture.
What makes marital infidelity—and any form of sexual immorality—wrong is its destructive nature. Indulging in it eats away at our hearts and tears apart our relationships. Most important, it’s sin in God’s eyes.
Now, God isn’t trying to take the pleasure out of life when He prohibits sexual sin. Instead, He’s a loving Father who is trying to protect His children from doing great harm to themselves and others.
Proverbs 14:1-12
There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death (v.12).
Why can’t relationships be trusted simply because they “feel so right”? What good things happen when we abstain from sexual sin?
Invisible on October 13, 2010 at 6:34 am
This is so true.
glbrosnan on October 13, 2010 at 10:18 am
I am so glad to hear you say this, Jeff. I am old now, but I was young, and I made all those mistakes (sin, if we’re honest). I so believe that obeying God allows Him to bless us. I have seen the consequences of my poor choices played out in the lives of my children and grandchildren. If people could only see that God is just trying to protect us from unbelievable harm by giving us rules to obey. If you are young and reading this, remember that your decision to do something that “feels so right” tonight will probably affect your children – whom you will love more than you can possibly know some day – and your grandchildren. Save yourself the pain I’ve experienced – don’t do it!!
jeff olson on October 14, 2010 at 8:49 am
Thanks you to those who shared your stories…the struggle with any sin isn’t always a rational one…but as Revelation 12:11 says, one of the ways that evil is overcome is by hearing the personal testimonies and stories of others.
Thanks again for sharing your testimony in this topic!
Soldier4Christ on October 13, 2010 at 11:40 am
When tempted by sexual urges outside the marriage one has to ask if a moment of pleasure is worth a lifetime of pain. I have lived it while walking in sin and trust me I wish that I had been firmly planted in Christ so that I could have resisted. There is no amount of pleasure that is worth the pain that it causes, Satan is quick to try an lead us astray but we need to stay strong and resist. Take it to God in prayer B4 it is too late.
Tyla808 on October 13, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Thank you for this devo for today. I’m neither “old” nor “young” I’m kinda in the middle of life age-wise and I’ve learned that any kind of sex without the benefit of marriage is equally sinful to infidelity…there are no “degrees” to sexual sin.
Today, its not just about infidelity, so many young people, divorced people, widowed people are having sex without the benefit of marriage…sex has become a part of the dating ritual and a way to see if things are “good enough” and worthwhile to be married. Its very sad.
I’ve been divorced for sometime now and I’ve dated some but its still shocking or maybe I’m “old-fashioned” but I just can’t believe how people so quickly, casually and easily ask for sexual intimacy in dating relationships now…even fellow Christians.
In any event…thank you for this message.
Pepaqua on October 24, 2010 at 7:31 pm
It’s sad but true, a lot of people I’ve met (even some supposed Christians) think you need to “take the car for a test drive” before you make the “commitment to buy it’. In other words, the excuse given is that you don’t know if the other person has the “skills” unless you “test drive” them first before marriage. It is a load of baloney of course! Better to learn with your spouse than to have STDs, etc from your “test drives” with multiple others. Honor God, honor your future (or current) spouse, and honor the body He gave to you!