Several years ago, The Osbournes, a reality television show that experienced surprising popularity, featured drug-addled rocker Ozzy Osbourne, his wife, and his disobedient and disrespectful children. Every obscenity from the children and parents seemed to attract more and more viewers, making it at one point the second most popular show on cable TV. Ozzie and his dysfunctional family were clearly celebrated by fans.

The apostle Paul encouraged children of all ages in the church at Ephesus to celebrate biblical and functional family life. How? By fulfilling their God-honoring and Spirit-empowered responsibilities (Ephesians 5:18). Paul taught that children have the responsibility to obey and honor their parents. If the offspring fulfill their divine roles, three very distinct characteristics will mark their lives.

First, they will recognize and submit to God-ordained authority. Parents are among God’s key representatives of authority on earth, and when children obey them they acknowledge God’s authority over their lives. Second, obedience acknowledges God’s worth and brings pleasure to Him (Colossians 3:20). Finally, it represents God to a godless culture, repelling its temptations.

Like Paul, let’s remind our children that by obeying and honoring parents they play a vital role in family life. We can begin by leveraging every teachable moment during the day to teach our children who God is and what He desires.

When parents fulfill their divine responsibility of teaching their children, and children fulfill their divine role of honoring and obeying their parents, family can reflect “the right thing” to all (Ephesians 6:1).