Every 12 years, millions of Hindus flock to Allahabad, India, to take a dip in the Ganges River. Scores get hurt as bathers rush to the water. The solution: purification by proxy. A popular Web site, webdunia.com, offers virtual cleansing. “Pilgrims” who want to avoid crowds, chaos, and travel costs can send a passport-size photo to the site, which then provides virtual absolution.
The Old Testament priests who ministered at the Tabernacle couldn’t cleanse themselves by proxy or through a dot.com company. They had to physically wash at the bronze laver or basin, which was positioned between the altar and the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 30:8-19).
The priests were required to cleanse themselves by washing their hands and feet. Only then would they be holy and prepared to minister before the Lord and the people. The laver was made of polished bronze (38:8), so the priest could see his reflection in it. This helped him make sure that he had washed away all the blood and dirt. More than likely, the priests washed off the blood that was on their hands and feet from sacrificing at the altar, along with dirt they had picked up from walking from the Tent of Meeting to minister at the altar.
The priests washing at the basin symbolized the removal of ceremonial uncleanness and provided the means to holiness that was required. Like the priests, every Christian should be characterized by holiness. Self-reflection before God helps us to grow in it. For we are cleansed by God through being washed at the laver of the Word (John 15:3; Ephesians 5:26), confessing our sins to Him (1 John 1:9), confessing our sins to one another (James 5:16), and turning from anything that is contrary to God and His commands (Proverbs 28:13).
Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).
In the last week, as you ministered before God and people, were you clean or dirty? Why? From what sin(s) do you need to be cleansed today?
pastortim on July 21, 2010 at 4:31 am
Thanks Marvin for this great devo. Today in our churches we have come to a place where people come to God in a lazy way. We aught to where the best we have and bring ourselves to God as a living sacrifice to offer praises and worship to Him. We should follow the example set in our devo today and reflect on our selves and bring a good clean offering to Him, not only when we come to church but wherever we meet with God.
davedon on July 21, 2010 at 5:56 am
The church today has lost some of the sense of reverence and awe of God with all the casual approach to worship. God has become like a good friend, and although He is that, He is much, much more and we should never lose sight of what scripture tells us about His nature. He is awesome, omnipotent, all knowing, creator, and ultimately the judge of us all. He is also the author of grace! Thanks be to God.
prayerful on July 21, 2010 at 6:10 am
yeah, solid work.
lindagma on July 21, 2010 at 6:29 am
A good reminder that God is GOD. Living close to the beach, things can get pretty casual… even in church. A good soul searching reflects a respect for God and who he is. Even in the beauty of nature around us… we take for granted and gloss over the hands that made it. Forgive us Father for our casual attitude.
joe15110 on July 21, 2010 at 6:49 am
A popular Web site, webdunia.com, offers virtual cleansing. “Pilgrims” who want to avoid crowds, chaos, and travel costs can send a passport-size photo to the site, which then provides virtual absolution.
Another example of how organized religion has fallen.
There is no phoning in your walk in Christ.
hayakwah on July 21, 2010 at 10:33 am
We’v all not forgoten what moses told the people of isreal on their time of going to meet GOD on mount sinai. Moses commanded them to consercrate themselvs for they were going to meet GOD. What did they do? according to bible they washed their cloth and cleaned themselves verywell to meet the LORD at sinai. those who had best cloth will have to put them on to present themselves cleans to GOD. Why do we go to church with our dressing as if we are going to visit our neighbour. We all have to remember that how you hold GOD in your heart is reflected in how you contribute towards his kingdom and worship. God is not anyones neighbour it’s that his aboundant love has made it easy for us to approach HIM and we are taking things for granters. I will edge everyone to chose the eloquent dresses in you closset and use them in your worship to GOD not to worldly occations. GOD bless you for reading
Tyla808 on July 21, 2010 at 3:25 pm
What a great devotional and a good reminder. We all need reminders because there are times where we are places in our lives and we forget the basics or hit a plateau in our spiritual growth.
At my church we are doing a series entitled “Practical Atheist” and let me tell you, it’s right in line with your devotional. The message, its powerful and bold. If you don’t like hearing the truth…it is not for you.
But we need to hear messages like this every so often, it’s like going to get your annual or quarterly physical check up with your doctor or getting your car serviced/tuned, etc. It’s so easy for your spiritual enthusiasm and motivation to lose it’s novelty and taper off. Easy to get sidetrack with the daily grind. Easy to beg off meditating, praying, reading the word for lack of time or energy. Easy to stop confessing your sins to one another or to God because well “He already knows.”
Although people in the Old Testament could get caught up in legalism and habitual practices, everything they did (including legalism and habitual practices) were done with respect and reverence for God. I believe it is that respect and reverence that we need to take with us and put it into our everyday lives.
I thank God for Jesus who met me where I was and didn’t care that I was a sinner, unclean, dirty. When I was saved, he didn’t care if I was wearing clothes from the swap meet or a tailored Chanel dress and I am grateful for his blood that was shed to purified me and placed my name within the Book of Life. But in remembrance of all that he sacrificed to get me there, because he loved me so, my spiritual rebirth was not free. I was bought for a price and because of that it is not only my honor, but my duty to present myself holy and blameless…out of fear…out of reverence for God. Confess my sins, make the necessary life changes (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) and live wholeheartedly for him.
alanmross on July 21, 2010 at 8:05 pm
From the comments here I fear I have missed something. There is a big difference between ceremonial cleansing and the once and for all cleansing of all our sins. And when did more formal dress for church become akin to godliness. Formality can very easily slip into “religion” and Jesus was not all that impressed with religion. Maybe we should focus more on the cleanliness of our hearts than the concern with our clothes.