As my husband and I sat with our children at the 4th of July fireworks, two lesbian women sat nearby with their young toddlers. Expressive in their affection for each other, what they perceived as liberty, God’s Word defines as bondage. I remembered a young woman I had sat with a month earlier. Listening, I grieved with her as she shared her struggles. Longing for acceptance, her wounds had led her to homosexuality.

Today’s society tells us homosexuality is a normal part of being human, even defending one’s sexual orientation as predesigned by God. On the other extreme, stand those who define homosexuality as a sin more egregious than others.

While Paul teaches that sexual sin affects our bodies differently than other sins (1 Corinthians 6:18), any standard different from God’s brings spiritual death. Spiritual bondage to sin ensues anytime we choose to follow our flesh instead of what God has commanded in Scripture. If we worship the created over the Creator, we will live contrary to God’s design (Romans 1:21). With blurred vision, we view our sin as acceptable and even normal (vv.22,25).

Paul reminds us, however, “This good news tells us how God makes us right in His sight” (Romans 1:17). The body of Christ must lovingly choose to:

• Respond to homosexuality as we would any sin in our own lives (Galatians 6:1-2).

• Demonstrate how God’s heart of love can change and transform us when we call on His name (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

We’re surrounded by people who struggle with sexual identity. As living proof of God’s forgiveness, we must remember that only His grace and truth provides the path to righteousness.