My wife told me about a single colleague of hers who went to consult with the local fortuneteller one weekend. She was looking for guidance. Where’s my life heading? Will I always be lonely?
This year more than 65,000 women like her will visit the five Australian Mind Body Spirit festivals held here. One of the most popular features of the event is the Reading Room, where 60 psychics give attendees all kinds of guidance on love, money, and happiness. Last year, 20 million people around the world took part in the online course Oprah hosted with popular new age author Eckhart Tolle. A year or so back, I stood with 5,000 others who braved pouring rain to hear what the Dalai Lama had to say.
Millions are searching for spiritual guidance, but I believe there is one Voice they’re searching for. “I am the Good Shepherd,” we hear this Voice say (John 10:11)—this Shepherd who is gathering a flock from all nations (v.16). “I sacrifice My life for the sheep,” this Voice says (v.15)—this Shepherd who protects when others run and hide (v.12). “My sheep listen to My voice,” we hear Him declare (v.27)—He knows them and guides them to the richest of lives (Psalm 23). “I give them eternal life,” we hear Him promise (v.28)— He offers a destiny to those willing to follow.
Thousands of years ago God promised that He would personally come and shepherd His “sheep”—those who had fallen into enemy captivity (Ezekiel 34:11-16). In Jesus, God did that, and today He calls us out of our captivity of confused spiritual searching. This Voice holds life, love, and the future in His hands. Listen. Follow.
• Psalm 23
• Isaiah 40:11
• Ezekiel 34:11-16
How have you tried to find guidance for your life without God? When was the last time you were quiet enough before Jesus to hear His voice?
mprez2006 on March 16, 2010 at 10:22 am
very, very good word! i’m assuming most people won’t like this one, but it is necessary to hear! thank you for your obedience to the Father!
bethanyF on March 16, 2010 at 10:27 am
I like that concept of being quiet to hear God’s voice. I think I will try that today. Thanks.
Gary4orphans on March 16, 2010 at 2:02 pm
One reason people go to fortune tellers and the like is their willingness to hear any voice of guidance, without discernment. In doing so, they are very literally inviting the devil/demons to sit in the counselor’s chair.
I met a man last Saturday, Bill, who was hearing the wrong voices and seeing the wrong images. He described his battle with demons and he had no hope. Without Jesus there was a vacuum in his soul that demons were pleased to fill.
Bill received the Lord Saturday and he has hope now. He is listening for the right voice of guidance now, the Good Shepherd.
Please join me in prayer for Bill that now that he is looking at the right Person, his Lord Jesus, that he will have a peace that surpasses all understanding and that he will embrace the fact that he is now free of demonic influence. We know the devil won’t give up Bill without a fight so pray Bill keeps Jesus in front of him, with his eyes firmly fixed on his Good Shepherd and that by resisting the devil, the devil will give up and flee what was until recently, the devil’s property. But now Bill has a new master and let’s pray for Bill’s growth and strength as the battle belongs to the Lord now.