My wife, Miska, and I like to talk things out with our boys (ages 6 and 4). Often, we ask them what they’re feeling or if they understand instructions we are giving them. Even when they evidence a bad attitude, we will talk them through the moment. Not always, however. Sometimes, the time for talk has passed; the time to “zip the lips and obey” has arrived.
God must feel similar emotions as He deals with us. During the Exodus, the Israelites began to complain and whine for more food. God replied with an improbable response, saying He would drop manna (a sweet waferlike food) and quail from the sky. God intended to use this miraculous feeding to teach Israel to trust in His power and in His generous intention to provide for their every need. To that end, He gave clear instructions for the people to gather only enough food each daybreak for that day’s need and no more. Unfortunately, “some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning” (Exodus 16:20).
Next, God instructed the people to gather double the normal day’s amount at the end of the week, allowing the people to rest on the Sabbath. But, once again, “some of the people went out anyway on the seventh day” to scrounge around for food that—they would discover—wasn’t there (v.27).
God’s reply evidenced His frustration. When will My people simply obey? (v.28). God is always open to our questions. He is long-suffering and merciful and kind and knows full well our human imperfections. But there comes a time when our questions merely become a way of hiding from the risk and danger of disobedience. There comes a time when we need to silence the excuses or the fears and simply obey—the time is now.
Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you (Matthew 28:20).
In what way do you need to obey God today? How will your obedience affect your relationship with Him?
septembersiena on July 19, 2009 at 1:37 pm
totally there with you on this. interesting enough Ive been reading a book on the “God’s Sabbath Rest”
It is true for today as the Lord God of Israel is the “same yesterday , today, and forevermore,” and ,” He is still seeking a people to still obey HIM and HIS Word. His precepts , testimonies, and statutes.” God just wants so much for us to love HIM back and love HIS Ways for they are loving and be
all that HE wants us to be in HIM and for HIM. In the way that HE sees us as we are in HIS Righteousness thru HIS Son JesusChrist HIS Only Begotton Son who shed HIS blood on the Cross for our filthy sins. And because He first loved us. Thank you God , thank you Jesus, Thank you Holy Spirit. all three in ONE. Halleluia It truly is a privlege and blessing to belong to the ONE and ONLY AlMighty God of the Universe. How Awesome and Powerful HE IS. I love HIM so much