The British Museum Reading Room is a wonderland for bibliophiles (extreme book-lovers!) like me. Stocked with 25,000 of my favorite objects, the room is perfectly cylindrical—we’re talking 360 degrees of books! The ceiling is a vaulted dome painted powder blue with shimmering gold trim, while oblong windows encircle the top like a chorus of angels. Occasionally, you may hear the whisper of a page turning. Inhale, and you will breathe in the musty perfume of old books.

I admit, that setting was “heaven on earth” for me. But even our most beloved places and experiences in this world can’t compare with the holy city that awaits us.

In heaven, we will experience life minus the curse. That means no more tooth decay, aphids on the rosebushes, or nitrates in the water! John wrote that an angel showed him “a river with the water of life, clear as crystal” (v.1). God’s paradise will overflow with the divine beauty that He originally designed.

Heaven’s perfection will extend to our souls—we will finally be free from the influence of evil. John testified, “Nothing evil will be allowed to enter [heaven]” (Rev. 21:27). Demonic forces that have been allowed to wreak havoc on earth for a time cannot enter its gates.

Best of all, Zion is God’s address, where His glory will shine brilliantly for all eternity. We may glimpse His glory on earth, but “No one has ever seen God” (John 1:18). Heaven promises us eternal face-time with our Creator. Revelation 22:4 says, “And they [His servants] will see His face.” Nothing can compare to that!

If you’re like me, the promise of heaven may flirt with your imagination, jostled between dreams of a beachfront vacation or even just a quiet place to read. But remember, as much as this world may offer, it is hardly heaven.